Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On September 5, 1995, William Phipps and Lacy Phipps were going to the grocery store. They never made it. William and Lacy were shot – William did not survive. Lacy, Williams’ father, survived, but also watched his son die in the process. Die while trying to save his father.

John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for his friends…..William, even though he had been SHOT in the BACK, tried to grab the wheel from his father and steer away from one of the THREE persons who were trying to kill him and his father. William Phipps was shot twice more trying to save his father. William Phipps gave his life for another.

William Phipps also called out a name…a name Lacy Phipps remembered until his dying day. A name his family will always remember. William Henry Phipps called out, “There’s Benny!!! There’s Benny!!! There’s Benny!!!” . William Henry Phipps called that name out three times, and his Daddy remembered it.

The “investigation” stated that they were traveling NORTH from the grocery store heading back home. NOT TRUE! They were heading SOUTH to the grocery store. They turned South out of the driveway……..and in true American West Outlaw style, were ambushed by three people. The assassins had help. Someone, whose name may be mentioned later, called the assassins to tell them the Phipps had left their home. To tell the assassins the Phipps were on the way towards them. To get ready…..To SHOOT TO KILL. And they did shoot to kill. Those people killed William Henry Phipps and wounded Lacy Mitchell Phipps.

In 1963, Lacy and his wife Doris purchased 13 acres of land, which was later deeded to the Phipps, along with additional acreage totaling 45 acres. In 1995 William Henry Phipps was killed because the land was wanted by someone else. Someone who was willing to kill for it.

Monday, October 15, 2012


"We the People, of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"

Our forefathers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson among them, adapted the above as part of the Constitution of the United States, and did this to protect the citizens of this great country from tyranny and injustice from all enemies….both foreign and domestic…..and to instill PATRIOTISM in our country by and for its people.

PATRIOT…..what does that word mean to you? According to the dictionary, the word “patriot” means: “A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors”…Patriot Phipps vigorously supports and is prepared to defend this country against its enemies or detractors at the cost of life….Life which has already been taken from the Patriot Phipps family….A living, breathing person with a family, friends, beliefs and PATRIOTISM.

Protecting this country from our enemies, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, is a job for our military. Patriot Phipps is PROUD OF OUR MILITARY!!!! But while our Military has been assigned to FOREIGN enemies, we have DOMESTIC enemies here today, threatening our families, our livelihoods, and our residences.

Where has the Patriotism gone? Where has the belief that this country is the BEST in the WORLD gone? Where has the honesty, integrity and faithfulness of our leaders gone? Where has the “One Nation Under God” belief gone? Where are the people willing to stand up for injustice?

Injustices are done every day to our families, friends, neighbors and to those we do not even know… in this COUNTRY and, believe it or not, in this Great State of North Carolina....

Patriot Phipps is about injustices committed…..committed to just ONE FAMILY that we know of……..Murder, attempted murder, assault, violation of civil rights…. It all started with a major corporation wanting to build a new plant on land…..Land already owned by someone who wasn’t willing to sell or walk away from their home...someone who had a family...someone who was willing to stand up for their civil rights – and their right to choose where they would live. Something we ALL take for granted….because we believe it is our RIGHT. How many other families’, within our state alone, has had their civil rights violated? How many will it take before we once again STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS? As a COUNTRY? As FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS and CITIZENS?